Company status: operationalUpdated at 13 March 2025The company ARENY E-RACING S.R.L. (CIF/CUI 42069902), located in Piteşti, Argeş county, was established on 6 January 2020. The company specializes in manufacture of motor vehicles for road transport, under CAEN code 2910.
General information - ARENY E-RACING S.R.L.
Status | 1048 - operational 2069 - headquarters expired |
Caen | 2910 - Manufacture of motor vehicles for road transport |
Registered in E-Factura | - |
Paying value-added tax (VAT) | Since 21 May 2024 |
Company financial data
In the year 2023, ARENY E-RACING S.R.L. recorded a turnover of 0,00 RON, reporting a decrease of over -100% compared to the previous year.
Company profit
In the year 2023, ARENY E-RACING S.R.L. reported a profit of -9.880,00 RON, which is 2% more than the previous year.
Financial Information - ARENY E-RACING S.R.L.
Address information
Post code
ARGEŞ, Mun. Piteşti, Str. Constantin Dobrogeanu Gherea 1, Cod poștal 110104
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2910 - Manufacture of motor vehicles for road transport
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Turnover: 0,00 RON
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