Company status: temporary interruption of activityUpdated at 10 October 2024The company INTEROM SA (CIF/CUI 10007367), located in Urlaţi, Prahova county, was established on 8 December 1997. The company specializes in 5165, under CAEN code 5165.
General information - INTEROM SA
Status | 2080 - registration certificate replaced 2038 - annual report not submitted to the trade registry for the year 2009 2112 - annual report not submitted to the trade registry for the year 2007 2069 - headquarters expired 2065 - expired mandate of administrators 2114 - annual report not submitted to the trade registry for the year 2008 2120 - the suspension period of activity has expired 1074 - temporary interruption of activity 2110 - annual report not submitted to the trade registry for the year 2006 2070 - censors mandate expired |
Caen | 5165 - 5165 |
Registered in E-Factura | - |
Paying value-added tax (VAT) | - |
Financial data for this company is not available
Financial Information - INTEROM SA
Top companies in the county of Prahova by turnover
5165 - 5165
No data