Company status: deregistered companyUpdated at 17 December 2024The company LOREDANA COM SRL (CIF/CUI 10003055), located in Iaşi, Iaşi county, was established on 5 December 1997. The company specializes in retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco products through stalls, kiosks and markets, under CAEN code 4781.
General information - LOREDANA COM SRL
Status | 1084 - deregistered company |
Caen | 4781 - Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco products through stalls, kiosks and markets |
Registered in E-Factura | - |
Paying value-added tax (VAT) | - |
Financial data for this company is not available
Financial Information - LOREDANA COM SRL
Top companies in the county of Iaşi by turnover
4781 - Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco products through stalls, kiosks and markets
No data