Company status: deregistered companyUpdated at 17 December 2024The company ROMTOROIDAL SRL (CIF/CUI 10004), located in Municipiul Bucureşti, Sectorul 6, was established on 10 December 1992. The company specializes in research and development in other natural sciences and engineering, under CAEN code 7219.
General information - ROMTOROIDAL SRL
Status | 1084 - deregistered company |
Caen | 7219 - Research and development in other natural sciences and engineering 7211 - Research and development in biotechnology |
Registered in E-Factura | - |
Paying value-added tax (VAT) | - |
Company financial data
In the year 2014, ROMTOROIDAL SRL recorded a turnover of 0,00 RON, reporting a decrease of over 0% compared to the previous year.
Company profit
In the year 2014, ROMTOROIDAL SRL reported a profit of 2.038,00 RON, which is 188% more than the previous year.
Financial Information - ROMTOROIDAL SRL
Address information
Municipiul Bucureşti
Sectorul 6
Post code
MUNICIPIUL BUCUREŞTI, Sector 6 Mun. Bucureşti, Int. Craiovei 1, Cod poștal 60561
Top companies in Municipiul Bucureşti by turnover
7219 - Research and development in other natural sciences and engineering
No data