Company status: temporary interruption of activityUpdated at 29 October 2024The company IOLA PRO EXIM SRL (CIF/CUI 10180618), located in Municipiul Bucureşti, Sectorul 1, was established on 12 February 1998. The company specializes in trade in cars and light motor vehicles (under 3.5 tonnes), under CAEN code 4511.
General information - IOLA PRO EXIM SRL
Status | 2080 - registration certificate replaced 2069 - headquarters expired 2120 - the suspension period of activity has expired 1074 - temporary interruption of activity |
Caen | 4511 - Trade in cars and light motor vehicles (under 3.5 tonnes) 4725 - Retail sale of beverages in specialised stores |
Registered in E-Factura | - |
Paying value-added tax (VAT) | - |