Company status: operationalUpdated at 29 October 2024The company UBI TER SRL (CIF/CUI 10196843), located in Iaşi, Iaşi county, was established on 16 February 1998. The company specializes in hospital care activities, under CAEN code 8610.
General information - UBI TER SRL
Status | 2080 - registration certificate replaced 1048 - operational |
Caen | 8610 - Hospital care activities 8622 - Specialized health care activities 8621 - General medical care activities |
Registered in E-Factura | Since 1 April 2024 |
Paying value-added tax (VAT) | - |
Company financial data
In the year 2023, UBI TER SRL recorded a turnover of 708.668,00 RON, reporting an increase of over 18% compared to the previous year.
Revenue and expenses over the period
2016 - 2023
Company profit
In the year 2023, UBI TER SRL reported a profit of 520.134,00 RON, which is 16% more than the previous year.
Profit over the period
2016 - 2023