Company status: liquidationUpdated at 29 October 2024The company VELARAVIO COM SRL (CIF/CUI 10205372), located in Bistriţa Bîrgăului, Bistriţa-Năsăud county, was established on 18 February 1998. The company specializes in retail sale in non-specialized stores, with food, beverages and tobacco predominating, under CAEN code 4711.
General information - VELARAVIO COM SRL
Status | 2080 - registration certificate replaced 2038 - annual report not submitted to the trade registry for the year 2009 2053 - an application for cancellation under Article 237 of Act No 31/1990 sent to the court for settlement 1052 - liquidation 2112 - annual report not submitted to the trade registry for the year 2007 2103 - annual report not submitted to the trade registry for the year 2005 2114 - annual report not submitted to the trade registry for the year 2008 2110 - annual report not submitted to the trade registry for the year 2006 |
Caen | 4711 - Retail sale in non-specialized stores, with food, beverages and tobacco predominating |
Registered in E-Factura | - |
Paying value-added tax (VAT) | - |
Company financial data
Turnover 0,00 RON
Company profit
Profit 0,00 RON
Financial Information - VELARAVIO COM SRL
Address information
Bistriţa Bîrgăului
Post code
BISTRIŢA-NĂSĂUD, Sat Bistriţa Bârgăului Com. Bistriţa Bârgăului, Bistriţa Bîrgăului 716, Cod poștal 427005